Ackley and Son

picture courtesy of the Westfield Historical Society
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Westfield, home of Ackley and Son

So, I mentioned Ackley and Son on my first page of this website.
Why would I do that?

Well, if you mention Ackley and Son anywhere in Pennsylvania most hunters, fisherman and outdoorsman will know what you are talking about, how to get to the store and maybe even the town that it is in.

If you are driving south on Route 15 towards Williamsport you will even see signs for Ackley and Son on the billboards. (ok, maybe only 1 billboard going south)

Ackley and Son has everything related to the outdoors. Guns, Ammo, Bow and Arrow, boots, clothes, Deer urine, Cleaning materials for your gun, bow and whatever else. They also have boat materials, stuff for your home, cleaning supplies, paint, degreaser, bee spray, mosquito spray and even Deer urine to attract that lovely doe!

Oh, you need plumbing materials for your home or hunting cabin? They have that also! Wood? Oh, they have that also.

During Deer hunting season they also have the biggest deer competition with a monetary reward!!

And, if you would like more information, please go here:
Yes, an article in the Mountain Home magazine about Ackley and Son!!

So, if anything, come to Westfield to check out this amazing store!!!!

Westfield © David Sargeant 2009